Baldurs Gate 3 Art
Though we have a strong vision for the game throughout our team of over 300 people our goal is to create a game that gets our audience excited and to maintain a healthy relationship with those who take the time to provide feedback and help.
Baldurs gate 3 art. Baldurs gate 3 is larians take on dungeons dragons. New character classes revealed for early access larian studios confirmed that there will be 16 races in baldurs gate 3 consisting of six different character classes. Watch the world gameplay reveal live stream for baldurs gate 3 a next generation rpg from larian studios the developers behind divinity original sin. Since day one of baldurs gate 3s announcement community discussion feedback and organization thank you has shaped what weve said and done.
An ancient evil has returned to baldurs gate intent on devouring it from the inside out. The fate of faerun lies in your hands. Its the first baldurs gate game in more than 15 years and both pc rpgs and tabletop ones have changed a lot since balduraposs gate 2. Alone you may resist.