Baldurs Gate 3 Character Creation Guide
Today larian studios sent in a press release detailing baldurs gate 3s character creation including races and classes.
Baldurs gate 3 character creation guide. This is about how to build a party how to best use spells etc. Statistics drive this game so creating a character. Also if youre new be careful to note whether youre reading my baldurs gate party creation faq or my baldurs gate party creation faq. When they reduce it to 0 your character instantly dies.
Baldurs gate 3 is larians take on dungeons dragons. Character creation in baldurs gate covers information regarding the customization mechanic for creating a character. In baldurs gate 2 you can equip the npc keldorns armor if you have at least 15 strength 17 constitution 12 intelligence and 18 charisma. Baldurs gate 3 early access will include 16 races and subraces 6 classes with at least 2 subclasses each and hundreds of character creation choices.
As a last note enemies in baldurs gate 2 known as mind flayers or illithids damage your intelligence with every successful melee hit. Use dsimpsons guide or google for dudleyville baldurs gate which is an excellent per area guide. Baldurs gate 3 character creation. For baldurs gate on the pc character creation guide by tazar.
Baldurs gate 3 will feature a vast list of high quality character creation options that include racesub race selections classes skills and appearance tuning. Character creation is not a necessity in baldurs gate however if the player wishes to make their own character to journey with he or she can. During the character creation process you can choose your race and class. On this page of the baldurs gate 3 guide you will find important information about the available races and classes.
The customization may allow you to freely choose the appearance of your character from selecting the gender race choosing various parts of the facial structure body appearance and many more.