
Baldurs Gate 3 Early Access Classes And Races

Available baldurs gate 3 races and classes for early access.

Baldurs gate 3 early access classes and races. Here are the baldurs gate 3 races. Baldurs gate 3 early access will include 16 races and subraces 6 classes with at least 2 subclasses each and hundreds of character creation choices. Youll have nine races in baldurs gate 3 to choose from during early access with potentially more on the way in the future. At launch players will be able to create humans githyanki elves drow half elf dwarves halflings and tieflings including subraces of each race.

Larian studios revealed new information this morning about the races and classes in baldurs gate 3 during early access. Baldurs gate 3 developer larian studios has revealed a bunch of information about the upcoming pc games races and classes which will be available from day one of early access october 6. The news first appeared in an investor presentation from wizards of the coasts parent company hasbro but. According to the info released by the developers today youll be able to.

Baldurs gate 3 is launching in early access this year larian studios has confirmed. Baldurs gate 3 is larians take on dungeons dragons. Its the first baldurs gate game in more than 15 years and both pc rpgs and tabletop ones have changed a lot since balduraposs gate 2.

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