Baldurs Gate 3 Qa
It is the third main game in the baldurs gate series.
Baldurs gate 3 qa. An ancient evil has returned to baldurs gate intent on devouring it from the inside out. Baldurs gate 3 is a new story and a new adventure with new characters. Baldurs gate 3 will launch in early access on october 6th for real this time. This hardware should achieve 60fps.
Bg3 is set to be released for microsoft windows and the google stadia cloud gaming service in early access in october 2020. We dont want to spoil too much but when you explore the world for the first time youll enjoy the story from a fresh perspective but if youve played the previous games youll quickly start to join many dots. Baldurs gate 3 best party rpg since dragon age origins. Microsoft isnt done buying game studios ceo satya nadella says.
It was an astronomically good time as he showed off a pre alpha version of the game live. It is the third main game in the baldurs gate series itself based on the dungeons dragons tabletop role playing system. The fate of faerun lies in your hands. A community all about baldurs gate iii the upcoming role playing video game by larian studios.
Alone you may resist. Larian was originally planning for september 30th but hit some last minute delays. Baldurs gate 3 was on show at pax east from larian studios founder and game director swen vincke. So all the new ubisoft games are going to be exclusive to epic.
Cyberpunk 2077 where are you buying it from.